Emulsion polymerization, microemulsion polymerization, sol-gel reaction and coupling agent modifying reaction are the common ways to prepare this hybrid materials. 复合材料制备中无机粒子表面的修饰,着重对目前最常用的硅烷偶联剂和偶氮类化合物两种修饰方法进行了介绍;
Through studies on polymerization technology, an anti-scaling agent of a quaternary copolymer-SPC-630 with good dispersing performances for calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate scalings have been prepared. 通过对聚合工艺的研究,最终研制成一种对碳酸钙垢和磷酸钙垢均有良好阻垢分散性能的四元共聚物SPC&630阻垢剂。
Polymerization of the healing agent is triggered by contact with the embedded catalyst, bonding the crack faces. 当修复液与埋在聚合物中的催化剂相遇时,聚合反应被触发,将裂缝两面粘合,从而达到修复效果。
The neutral starch microspheres ( ESM) were synthesized from soluble starch by counter suspension crosslinking polymerization with epichlorohydrin as the crosslinking agent, span 60 as the emulsifying agent and the mixture of toluene and castor oil as the organic phase. 以可溶性淀粉为原料,环氧氯丙烷为交联剂,Span60为乳化剂,甲苯和蓖麻油的混合物为油相,采用逆相悬浮交联聚合法合成淀粉微球。
The effect of polymerization method and dose of crosslinking agent on fabric coating agent. 探讨聚合方法和交联剂用量对织物涂层剂性能的影响。
The resin was prepared through D4 open-ring forming the oligomer of short chain in acid condition and condensation and polymerization with the hydrolysis products of amino-silicone coupling agent monomer. 接着采用乳液聚合法合成氨基改性有机硅树脂,通过D4在酸性条件下开环形成短链低聚物,然后和氨基硅烷偶联剂单体水解产物缩合聚合完成。
High molecular weight sodium polyacrylate was synthesized by inverse emulsion polymerization with acryloyl Span-80 as emulsifying agent. 以丙烯酰氧基Span-80为乳化剂,采用反相乳液聚合法合成了高分子量聚丙烯酸钠。
Synthesis of the Bis ( thioacyl) disulfides, and the polymerization with it as RAFT agent showed that it had an inducement period and was controlled free radical polymerization. 合成了过硫代二苯甲硫酰,直接利用它调控聚合反应,发现该反应有一个诱导期,但仍符合活性自由基聚合。
High oil absorption resins of poly ( n-alkyl methacrylates) were synthesized by suspension polymerization using divinyl benzene as cross-linking agent, benzoyl peroxide as initiator. 以甲基丙烯酸酯为单体,二乙烯苯为交联剂,过氧化二苯甲酰为引发剂,采用悬浮聚合法合成了高吸油性树脂。
Changes relating to the polymerization reaction rate, the key assistant agent formula ratio and the technological control are emphatically described. 重点介绍了聚合釜改造前后的聚合反应速率、关键助剂的配方量及聚合工艺控制方面发生的重大变化。
Graft Polymerization of Styrene Initiated by a Silane Coupling Agent with Peroxy Bond on the Surface of Glass Fiber 过氧化物硅烷偶联剂在玻璃纤维表面上接枝高分子链的研究
Polymerization of Polyacrylate Sizing Agent A Study On Cathodic Starches Starch Orthophosphates 丙烯酸酯浆料聚合研究阴离子淀粉&磷酸酯淀粉的研制
Study on Mechanism of Acrylic Ester Polymerization without Saponifying Agent Compound Emulsion 丙烯酸酯类无皂复合乳液聚合机理的研究
Synthesis of Polysiloxane_and caprolactam_modified Casein Finish Report on the Test of Polymerization by Adding Coloring Agent to the Solution of Caprolactam 聚硅氧烷和己内酰胺双改性酪素涂饰剂的研制原液着色聚合试验报告
Influence of Polymerization Methods and Chain-Extension Agent on Relative Molecular Weight of Polylactide 聚合方法和扩链剂对乳酸聚合物相对分子质量的影响
To prepare high bulk PVC, other methods such as adjusting agitation, adding suspending agents in the process of polymerization and adding anti-static agent were used. 在合成高表观密度PVC树脂时,调节适当的搅拌强度、采用中途加料工艺、加入抗静电剂等措施,也可改善PVC树脂的颗粒特性,提高表观密度。
The Applying Technology and Polymerization of FA-01 Type Permanent Antistatic Agent FA&01型永久性抗静电剂的聚合及使用工艺
The title emulsion has been prepared based on mechanism of core-shell emulsion polymerization and silane coupling agent treated nano SiO_ ( 2) as seed through a optimized emulsion polymerization process, which is further formulated forming the architectural coatings. 本文根据核壳乳液聚合理论,以硅烷偶联剂表面处理的纳米SiO2为种子,采用优化的乳液聚合工艺,制备核壳型纳米SiO2-聚丙烯酸酯复合乳液,并以其为基料制备建筑涂料。
A new kind of three-group coordination polymerization agent tri ( dithiocarbamate) cyanuric acid ( TDC) was designed and synthesized, and the feasibility to use TDC as a kind of coordination polymerization precipitant for heavy ions was investigated. 设计和合成了一种新的三基配位聚合超分子试剂二硫代氨基三聚氰酸钠(TDC),并研究了将其作为一种新的重金属沉淀剂的可行性。
In this paper, the author briefly introduces the polymerization method of drag reduction agent and the mechanism of drag reduction. Moreover, the author introduces the apparatus and process of small experiment. 本文简要介绍了高分子减阻剂在减阻剂的合成方法及管输油品减阻剂的研制与开发课题组的小型不锈钢反应釜合成实验(以下简称小试)装置、工艺流程及操作步骤等。
The polymerization catalysts were removed by terminating agent and filtration instead of the conventional water washing method to avoid pollution of the environment caused by waste water containing fluorine. 采用终止剂和过滤法脱除催化剂代替传统的碱洗、水洗法,避免了产生大量含氟废水所造成的环境污染问题。
The results show that the polymerization degree of dispersing agent was an important factor to the particle distribution of the nano powder. 结果表明分散剂(PEG)的聚合度对纳米氧化铝的粒度分布有着重要的影响。
Report on the Test of Polymerization by Adding Coloring Agent to the Solution of Caprolactam 原液着色聚合试验报告
The influence of polymerization degree of dispersing agent on the power properties of nano alumina 分散剂聚合度对纳米氧化铝粉体特性的影响
Solid acrylic resin is synthesized by suspension polymerization with potassium polyacrylate dispersing agent. The factors influencing on the performances and preparation process are discussed. 以聚丙烯酸钾为分散剂,悬浮聚合成固体丙烯酸树脂,并讨论了固体丙烯酸树脂的性能及合成过程中的影响因素。
Polyaniline of nanostructure was prepared by interfacial polymerization using hydrochloric acid as doping agent and reaction medium. 采用盐酸作为掺杂剂和反应介质,通过界面聚合制备纳米结构的聚苯胺。
Some effects of the graft polymerization such as the discharge voltage, discharge time, the neutralization of acrylic acid, post polymerization temperature, amounts of crosslinking agent, vermiculite and acrylic acid used on the polymerization were discussed in detail. 考察了放电电压、放电时间、丙烯酸中和度、后聚合温度、丙烯酸、蛭石以及交联剂的含量等因素对树脂吸水量的影响。
Main results were as follows: 1. Whether the emulsion polymerization or the bulk polymerization, the silane coupling agent can clearly improve the compatibility between PMMA and PDMS. 2. 主要研究结果如下:1、无论采用本体共聚法还是乳液共聚法,硅烷偶联剂的加入都明显改善了聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯和聚二甲基硅氧烷这两种聚合物之间的相容性。